About Us

First and foremost, praise to our Savior – The Lord Jesus Christ – for His grace in helping us establish this online store! And a warm and heartfelt greeting to you all! Thank you for gracing our store with your presence. Each click, each visit, and each purchase resonates deeply with the journey that led us here – a journey filled with challenges, hope, and a dream inspired by the divine.

Let me take you back to the genesis of Mr Stockist, a store born out of obedience to a calling planted in my heart by the Almighty. The journey to this moment has been a ride, marked by life’s twists, and the challenge of being a full-time caregiver to my husband – a frontline healthcare worker battling long-COVID since the pandemic’s early days.

But one day, hope dawned in the form of a vivid dream – a silhouette of a gentleman with the words "Mr Stockist." It was an awakening, a conviction that this was the name meant to carry the essence of our online venture. The "why" behind Mr Stockist remains a mystery even to me, but with each passing day, the name grew on us, and gradually ideas began to flow, turning this dream into a reality.

Mr Stockist is not just a store; it's a vessel through which we share some faith-based messages with the world other than offering various mixed products. Our offerings are carefully curated, some born from our own creative endeavours, while others are sourced from different corners of the globe. As we navigate this venture, we hope that you, dear customers, resonate with the same appreciation for the unique and meaningful products we bring to you.

In our pursuit of mindful business, some of our products undergo a print-on-demand process, ensuring that each item is crafted with intention, contributing to a reduction in waste by producing only what is requested. Whether you seek Christian-based stocks or are drawn to the allure of items that catch the eye, we strive to create a one-stop-shop for all things meaningful.

At Mr Stockist, we believe that shopping should be a joyous experience, filled with convenience, affordability, and an extensive range of products for both the fashion-forward fellas and fabulous ladies out there. We've poured our hearts into curating a collection that we hope will bring you joy and inspiration.

Thank you for choosing us as your go-to destination for all things in season. Your support means the world to us, and we are here, ready to connect. Don't hesitate to reach out – we're more than just a store; we're a community bound by love and shared values.


With love and gratitude,

Mr Stockist